December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

Hey everyone! Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, and happy birthday to Jesus. How's break going? Fun, boring, or a mix of both. Well I'm having a mix of both. A few days ago I went shopping with one of my friends. We mainly went cause we needed to get more Christmas presents. I bought her a cat mug, and she bought me a lululemon headband. She also bought me a birthday present a few days ago, but left it home. At the mall I went to bath and body works and bought perfume for my mom and aunt, and hand cream. Also my mom gave me some money (for my birthday) to buy anything I wanted. So I bought a perfume and a lotion. Then at Forever 21 I bought a bracelet for myself, a necklace for my sister and nail polish. After that we just roamed around the mall looking at the sales.

Okay enough about shopping..

I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!!!


December 16, 2013

Where has the time gone?

OMG, it's the middle of December, already! Wow, time flies by when your having fun. Well, I haven't posted in a long time, but finally I'm back. Did you miss me? Anyways, let me just fill you in on what happened already.

I auditions at the school musical and got the part I want, and no it was not a lead, I wanted the part of this featured dancer, who gets to do this awesome Russian dance which seemed super fun.

Basketball season finally started! My travel team who all games we played this season so far. So far so good. Town basketball went well too last week, we won the game we played. I'm super excited for this weekend, for town and travel, and hopefully win a few more games.

Finally, SNOW!!! Yes, we just got snow this weekend! I was so happy to finally see actually snow on the ground, sadly, I didn't go outside sledding, cause I had basketball so I had no time, and by the time I got back, it was too dark.

So that's about it. Not much had happened that I can actually remember, but these were the most important events that has happened. So see you next time, and I hope its not a whole month from today, but maybe a week... or two, but until then love your life :)


November 5, 2013

Basketball and other.

                            Hey guys! I know I didn't post anything for Halloween, but I came home way to late, and the next day was super busy, so I decided to wait till today! Yesterday was my first basketball practice!!! It was from 7:30-9:00, it was long, but it was super fun. I am on the travel team, so I guess thats what happens. Anyways, before even going to practice I went and bought my uniform! I was so excited. I choose the number 20, not my first choice but... it's okay. Anyways... off topic already, at practice we did a lot of different drills. Some I knew already, and some were new to me. I loved doing all the different drills. Finally After a long night of practice it was time to go home. I got home took a shower, ate a snack and did my homework. Yep that was about it, but I have practice again on Saturday. We have to be ready for the game in a week or two.
                           Finally Halloween!!!!!! So yeah I know it was five days again, but better late than never! Well, Halloween this year was the best ever! After school I walked to my friends house. We just watched some Youtube videos, and talked. Later we changed into our costumes. This year we both decided to be pirates. Then we did our hair and some makeup, and were finally ready! Her dad drove us to the Halloween party my friend was throwing. It was amazing in there, and creepy. We ate pizza, talked, danced, and just had so much fun! Then it was time to get free candy! We were going to trick or treat all together, but we never found each other, but I think it was for the best. 12 kids all at once is way to many people. We ended up with six people in our group. The weather was very warm, even though the last two years were horrible. We soon got so thirsty, and we wanted to go home soon, it was almost 8:00. So we finally headed back, counted and traded our candy, drank lots of water, and waited for our parents to pick us up. When I finally got home I took a quick shower and went to bed.

So that was the past five days. Yep lots had happened.... in just five days, but there is more to come! Next week is tech week for the play I'm in, but thats for next week.

Sunshine! See ya! :)

October 27, 2013

Sleep Over!

Hi!! Yesterday I went to my friend, Sarah's house for a sleepover. First when I got there we ate some pizza for dinner. Then we made a Boo bag so we can ghost people. After that we went to a play that a few of our friends were in. We didn't get the best seats cause the people in front of us were super tall, but we could sort of see the stage. After the play we congratulated the actors and actresses. Then we went back to her house. After we changed into our jammies. Then we set up our sleeping bags and just talked about stuff. Then we finally went to bed. The next day we woke up and talked about more stuff. Then ate some breakfast. We had waffles, and some fruit. Then we changed and I packed all my stuff up. Then we did the cup song. After that I had to leave. 

I had so much fun even though we didn't do that much. 

Sunshine :)

PS This is my 100th post! Can I get a Whoop Whoop? Wait till I get to 200 posts!

October 19, 2013

Rainbow Loom Bracelets!

Rainbow loom bracelets are super popular where I live. Kids from elementary to middle school are wearing them, making them , and giving them to friends! They are super easy to make, and are really cute to wear. My little sister and I just bought a huge bucket of rubber bands yesterday for only 4 dollars, for 2000 bands and 80 c clips. If you just learned about these, that was an amazing offer! They usually cost about 20 dollars for 2000 rubber bands! You can make them by hand or buy a loom to make lots of different  styles! You can go on Youtube to find out about how to make these. My sister and I have made a lot so far. We have rainbow, blue and pink, and so much more! I don't wear them as much as my sister does. She literally is obsessed with them! Not even kidding, everyday after school she brings home a new bracelet on her wrist. She always makes one at school during recces. I really hope you guys try these out. You can probably buy them at craft stores, and maybe Walmart. I'm not sure where you would get them, but my sister and I got them at this store downtown. So good luck finding them, and I hope you guys have fun making them!

Sunshine ^.^

October 13, 2013

Whats been up!

Hey guys... I promised posts once a week Well, I sorta broke that promise, again. Whoops! Well, I'm not going to promise you anything, but I'll do my best. So whats been up the past months for me? Well, exciting, boring, well let me just tell you in this post. Well hope it doesn't get too long, so you better get a snack, cause it's going to be a long post.
      Okay, well August was uneventful, school started and well that's about it. If you haven't been keeping up, I moved to a different town... again, but wait there's more! I've lived here before. I was super excited to come back and meet all my friends again! I saw Maddie, Sarah, Elise, and so many other people! I also was just settling in the house, and just relaxing.
       Okay September was so awesome! First I went to this amazing birthday. So, and tell you where but we went to a well known city and did a scavenger hunt! It was super fun, but my team lost, but who cares? It was amazing, like I have said before. Then we went back to her house and did a blind makeovers to each other. I sort of told her the idea and she loved it so she decided to do it. I did the best, if I don't say so myself. Then we watched a movie, but I forgot what it was called. I watched it before but it was great to watch it again.
       After that wonderful birthday, at school they were holding auditions for the one acts. I auditioned thinking I would get a pretty small part, but I was wrong, I got a pretty good part as Snow White. I was super happy. This was my first play ever! I was so excited for the play. We had rehearsal after that and we just read though the script to get to know it more. The week after that we started making the set. It was super fun. We first went though about half the play, then started making the pumpkin for the other play, and other smaller props. Then we had soda and pizza. It was so yummy!
      I also had travel basketball tryouts. I have never tried out before, and I haven't even played basketball for a long time either. I have started learning dribbling, and shooting when I was younger, but never played in a real team until last year. So I was super happy when I learned I got in the travel team! There were two teams, the A team and B team. The A team is the better team, and the B team isn't. I got on the B team, but I'm still super excited to start!
      Well its only the thirteenth, so nothing much has happened. Really... nothing has happened but school, school, and well school.

So maybe it didn't get that long. Well September did, but October, not so much. Well, that's my life that you missed out. I know I missed a lot of things, but I don't really remember what happened in what month. Well, I hope I do write more soon. I know I will, I just hope I remember to. Well, I can promise anything, but keep your fingers crossed! Well hope you had a good two months and remember, just love your life no matter what happens!

Keep loving,
  Sunshine :)

July 21, 2013

SleepOver!!! Part 1

Yesterday I had a sleepover with my friend, Anna. On Friday we went outside and ran around with the hose. We took a bunch of pictures. After that we went inside and played ping pong. I am not very good at it so I lost every time we played. One day I will beat her, well at least I hope. After that it was finally dinner. We had mini hamburgers, salad, and this potato thing. I don't really remember what it was called. After that we finished we made these jello animals. After they were finished we ate most of them, but I promised my sister we would save one for her so we did. They were very good, we really wanted to make more, but we wanted to different things. After that we played a little more ping pong. Then we changed into our PJ's. Then we wanted to do the cup song, (When I'm Gone) and record it. We had to redo it so many times, my hands started to hurt, but we finally went through the entire thing without messing up. We were so happy we finally finished. After we did a blind makeover. It was really fun. I did a blind makeover before with my sister, but Anna never did. After we washed our faces we did some more ping pong. You probably figured out that we love to play ping pong. Then we did the cinnamon challenge. It was disgusting!!!! Right when it went into my mouth I spit it out. Good thing we had paper towels just in case. We both had never tasted anything so bad!! After we brushed our teeth we played truth or dare. We both did one dare. I dared Anna to go upstairs and roll around on the floor saying, "I'm a rolly poly!" It was so funny. Then it was my turn. I had to jump on our bed and say, "WHOO!!!" It wasn't that bad. Then we decided to go to bed.

The next morning we first ate breakfast. Then we did some prank calls, but failed. No one picked up or they were all companies. It was really annoying. After that we changed and walked her dog. Then I got my things packed up and we did a few more prank calls, and they were a fail too. Then it was time to go. I was so sad, but we knew we were going to see each other very soon. Very soon, like this weekend to have another sleepover, yep another one. 

Sunshine! ^ ^

July 18, 2013

New Hampshire

Last weekend I got to go to NH! On Friday we drove there. It was a 4 hour drive but it was totally worth it. The drive there was pretty boring, I did the same thing I do on every long drive, sleep, listen to the radio, and play games on the iPad. When we got to the resort it was already 8:00, but we still got to do a few things. First we checked in and got all our things to our room. Then we went back down stairs and went to the camp fire they had set up. A lot of people were already there roasting marshmallows and eating smores. My sister and I got l long stick and started to roast some marshmallows. My first one was really good, but my second one caught on fire. My third one was okay, but it still tasted really good. My sister thought it was too hot so my mom helped her. After that and a few bug bites we went back the the resort and went downstairs to the game room. My parents were playing ping pong, and my sister and I were playing air hockey. After that we went up to our room and went to bed.

On Saturday, we ate some breakfast and went to a farm. They had lots of different animals, pigs hen and even a very fluffy rabbit. The rabbit looked very big, but it was actually really small it just had looks of fur. Then we went to a nearby trail to go hiking. No one else was there so it was very quiet. Soon it got very hot, so we decided to go back the resort and go swimming. We got our bathing suits on and walked over to the pool, they had an inside pool and an outdoor pool, but sense it was so hot we went to the outdoor pool. When it was getting closer to lunch we dried off and went inside to eat. After that my sister and I went outside to walk around and explore. There wasn't anything to see though, we went up and down a hill, my sister went down the slide they had and we went back inside. We didn't want to go back to our room so we went down to the game room again. We played air hokey again, and I dominated! After that we got ready for a party we were going to.

At the party we first got to eat our dinner. It was very good. After that we just walked around. Then we went to the dance floor. My sister and I danced for a pretty long time. Then it was time for the fireworks. I didn't know why there were fireworks for the party but there were. It was a very good show, but after that we had to go cause it was getting very late. When we got back to our room we quickly took a bath and went to bed.

The next day we went down to eat breakfast and packed all our things. I was sad we had to go, but we might come back next year. We gave our keys and left. The ride back home was the same as the ride back but it had lots of traffic!! Instead of four hours it took us five hours!! I was so happy to get of the car when we got back. New Hampshire was so fun.

Sunshine :)

July 3, 2013


Over the weekend I went to a carnival near my house. It was at the high school parking lot. It looked very fun so I asked my parents if I could go. They said we could go later. When we got there we bought the tickets. First I went on this ride that swings back and forth. I was very scared because it goes really high up. I wanted to try the ride out even though I am very scared of heights. Then I tried this mini roller coaster. Its was not that fun. Next I tried this huge slide. It looked very fun, but the slide was sticky so I didn't get to go down very fast. After that I did this ride that spins you everywhere. It was so fun. I wanted to do it again but my mom said I would get way too dizzy. Next I did this pumpkin ride. It was very boring! After that I did the ride that when t back and forth again. It wasn't as bad as last time cause I wasn't shaking at all. That time was fun. I did a few more rides, but it was getting very late so I had to go home. I had a great time, but I wish I had a friend with me to go on all the rides. Next year I hope I can go with a friend.


June 25, 2013

Last Day of School!

Omg, today was the last day of school. I was so sad, and got all of my friends, numbers and emails. After the last day of school, I had a party at my friends. I was so fun! First we had so water fun. We played in the water, did a water balloon fight, jumped on the trampoline, and made ice cream sundaes. We had a great time. I even taught myself how to do a front walk over. I am really sad that school is over, but I am so excited to finally enjoy the Summer. Some plans over the Summer!

- Going to New Hampshire
- Moving to the new house
- Swimming!
- Hang out with friends!
- Read.. a lot!
- Camp?

I can't wait to check off everything off that list, and maybe even more!


June 21, 2013

First Day of Summer!

Yay, it is the first day of Summer! I am so happy. I just wish school would be over. Today, is my friends last day of school. She was so sad and was almost in tears. She is leaving early because she is going to Germany. She will be back July, so we can still hang out over the Summer. Also today my English teacher had really sad news. She will be retiring. She may not be my favorite teacher, but I am still sad. So we had a celebration for her and the teachers did a trivia game to see who knows her the best. It was really entertaining. The winning teacher got a medal thing. I can't wait for school to be out and finally enjoy the Summer!

Have a great Summer!
With lots of
Sunshine :)

June 19, 2013

Field Day!!!!!

Today we had field day. Each person in your team would do 3 to 6 events. I got to do 5 events. Tug o war, 100 dash, baton relay, sack race, and the three legged race. In tug o war, we lost both times we played. We didn't have to strongest people. The first time we played we lost in 10 seconds. The second time, we could have won but, the person in the front would keep falling down. In the hundred dash, I placed last. I was so sad, but I did slip in the water. In the sack race I got in 3rd place. I was so happy, but I wish I got in first. In the three legged race, I did it with my friend Anna. We did really good, but other people were faster. We got in 4th. The person in front of us won by one step, so we were really sad. In the baton relay, we got in last. We didn't start out very good, cause we were on the outside, so we had a disadvantage. After that we got to eat ice-cream. Those were not all the events, but those were the ones I did. I had a great time, but I am really sad we got in last. At least we had a lot of fun. I really want to do field day again, but next year there is no more field day.

Sunshine o.o

June 18, 2013

Field Day

Field day was so.. it never happened.. Yeah, they called us last night and postponed the event to tomorrow. I was so sad! Hopefully they don't postpone it tonight again! Well, instead of field day we had to take an exit exam. It was very easy. I think they postponed it because they thought it was going to rain, but it never did until after school. Whatever, I can't wait till tomorrow! Hope we win!

June 17, 2013

My Braces

So I finally got braces two months ago month. YAY?? Not really, but its okay. They don't hurt or anything. At first they hurt a lot, my teeth hurt, I couldn't eat, brushing my teeth hurt. Yeah, a lot of things were hurting, but it is back to normal. My braces are top and bottom and right now they are green and pink. I will get them tightened very soon. (as in this weekend) I hope they don't hurt when I get them tightened. The reason I got braces was because
1) My teeth were crowded
2) I had a slight overbite
3) My jaw might grow a little more and that will cause a under bite
Yeah, very complicated, but soon I will have perfect teeth.

Sunshine -.-

One more Week!

Okay, it is almost the last day of school and I am so excited! Before the last day of school, we have a few events left.
1) Field Day
2) Spelling bee
3) Special breakfast thing
Those are the important ones, but I am so excited for Field day. Field day is actually tomorrow. I am doing four events. 100 meter dash, tug o way, relay, and three legged race. I was about to the long jump but someone else wanted to do it so I let them. Hopefully our team wins, but its not likely. The spelling bee which is in two days is not so fun for me. First I am horrible at spelling, that goodness there is spell check. I know I will do bad, but I will try my best. And last but not least the breakfast thing. I have no idea what it is, so I really don't care what it is. I am very excited for the Summer to come, because of all the things I will do, but that's saved for later.

Sunshine ^.^

Birthday Party

Over the weekend I went to this amazing party. It was so fun. We did this scavenger hunt around downtown. Each thing would be a certain amount of points. We only had 90 min to find as much as we could. Some things were way harder, but they were pretty easy. We had to meet her parent at the park at a certain time. If we were late we would lose 100 points, for every 5 minutes. Lucky we were just on time. We drove back to her house and her mom counted our points. While she was doing that we ate some pizza, cake and ice cream. YUM! After, we went to the living room to get our prizes. In total we got 6175 points. So, we got three things.
1) a little stuffed animal
2) Rubber bands to make these bracelets. (idk what they are called)
3) This mini travel game thing.
All the things were really cool. Then we talked and stuff. Soon it was time our parents had to pick us up. I was really sad I had to leave, but it was getting a little late. When I got home I showed my sister what I got and made a bunch of bracelets. I had a really good time and I really wish that it never would end.

Sunshine :)

June 5, 2013


Hola everyone,

I feel so bad for not writing any thing for a really long time. (sense the beginning of the year!) Yeah, pretty bad. I was so busy with exams, homework, and after school stuff! I promise to do my best to try to fit in at least a post of two every week. But a quick recap of the things that has happened.
1) I was in a musical called Once On This Island.
2) Final Exams!!!
3) Reading a LOT!!!
4) I entered a competition in the school and won 25 dollars.
5) Spring Break! FUN
6) BRACES!!!! I had them for a month already!

That's about it, not a lot has happened, or at least really fun stuff.

Again, I am very sorry for not writing in so long!!


January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!
Did you  watch the ball drop? I did. I wasn't tired at all. I read, and played with my sister. It was sort of fun but mostly boring. Do you guys have a new years resolution yet?? I don't really have one but I will think of something soon!

Have an awesome year :P
and remember
love your life!

Cause I do!
Sunshine! :P
Happy New Year!