November 27, 2012


Tomorrow I will be starting Basketball! YAY!! ^.^ So excited! :P I will keep you posted each game I play. I am so excited!  heehee ^.^ OMG I love this emotion ^.^

Sunshine ^.^



On Black Friday my little sister got an American girl doll. She got Mckenna the girl of the year. She was so happy. The next day I helped her make some things for her doll. We made a bed, closet, and my little sister insisted on a car. Then we made two videos. There were not the best but it was fun to make and funny to watch. My little sister loves her American girl doll.



Also I started reading the series The Clique. It's good so you should try it out!
I am on the forth book.


November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you had a great feast!


Sunshine! :D


If you want you can write your most thankful things and people!

November 11, 2012


Last night I watched Brave. I thought it was a pretty good movie. My dad who was watching it with my sister and me thought it was hard to understand. I could understand perfectly. It was sort of sad, and funny, but I liked the end the best. I hope you will watch it if you still haven't, but if you have already watched it, tell me if you liked it or not, and rate it!




Yesterday I had my first triball meeting with my team. Triball is basketball, bowling, and soccer all put together in one game. It's very exciting. At the meeting we played Just Dance 3. I don't know why we were but it was fun! Then we start to design our t-shirts. Our team name is called The Candy Bunch. It's weird but I like it. We all are a different candy. I am Skittles, and my number is 6. We had to choose a number between 1-7. I would have choose 12, my favorite number. After we finished the shirts, we played football.I don't really know which team won, but I don't really care. Our first game is on Tuesday. Wish us luck!

Sunshine! #6

The Candy Bunch!

November 10, 2012


About four or five days ago I had snow! It was small at first but then it got pretty bad. The bad thing was that it melted pretty fast. We only had an afternoon to play, but I didn't want to because I still had a lot of homework. The next day it was raining so it wiped out most of the snow. I was upset, but I am sure we will have more snow coming in the next month.

Sunshine :P


November 4, 2012


On October 31st people from America dress up as different people!! This Halloween was AWESOME! It was a little cool but its okay. First My dad dropped me off at my friend Sarahs house. My friend Lara was there too. They had to get dressed, I already put on my costume at home. My friends Sarah was Ginny Weasly, and Lara was a masquerade girl. They put some make up on but I didn't. I don't think pirates wore make up. Then it was dinner. I had two pieces of pizza. Then we went back up and talked a little, then finally we were ready to go TRICK OR TREATING!!! We first went to Sarah's neighborhood. It was a small neighborhood so after we would go to a bigger neighborhood. We went to all the houses. On house gave king sized candy bars. YUM! Also there was this creepy guy who had a sort of scary mask on but I was still a little scared. Then We stopped at Sarah's house to eat a small snack, and get warm. Then we went to the next neighborhood. It was very long so we didn't go end to end. We also heard a rumor about a house being rigged with water. Before each house we would inspect for any ropes, or anything that would of give it away. Fortunately none of the houses we went to were rigged. There also was a weird woman who was like would you like to see a cute dog? Then she opened the door and sowed us her dog. It was weird!! Then we rushed back to Sarah's house. When we got there my mom, dad and sister were already there. I was very sad because I didn't get to trade any candy with my friends. We all ate a Kit Kat to celebrate our first Halloween together and hoped we could do it next year. I got about 70 pieces of candy that day. Halloween was so fun. How was yours?? How much candy did you get??? Also I hope you had an awesome HALLOWEEN!!!


Or should i say
I still like Sunshine better!