December 27, 2012


Okay today I went to the dentist for my braces, but don't worry I didn't get them yet...
I will soon. I just made a mold and took some pictures, but I will get them soon.
Also late Merry Christmas!

Sunshien :D

December 12, 2012


Did you guys notice that today is 12-12-12?! Did you make a wish at 12:12? I forgot.. OPPS!
Heehee but anyways just wanted to tell you guys!


December 1, 2012


Snow, what a great way to start off the first day of December! Well it did snow, but not a lot. Its also wasn't very sticky too, but at least I got to see it. Hopefully there will be more snow coming this month, and for my birthday! YAY ^.^

^-^ Tee Hee
Sunshine ^.^

November 27, 2012


Tomorrow I will be starting Basketball! YAY!! ^.^ So excited! :P I will keep you posted each game I play. I am so excited!  heehee ^.^ OMG I love this emotion ^.^

Sunshine ^.^



On Black Friday my little sister got an American girl doll. She got Mckenna the girl of the year. She was so happy. The next day I helped her make some things for her doll. We made a bed, closet, and my little sister insisted on a car. Then we made two videos. There were not the best but it was fun to make and funny to watch. My little sister loves her American girl doll.



Also I started reading the series The Clique. It's good so you should try it out!
I am on the forth book.


November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope you had a great feast!


Sunshine! :D


If you want you can write your most thankful things and people!

November 11, 2012


Last night I watched Brave. I thought it was a pretty good movie. My dad who was watching it with my sister and me thought it was hard to understand. I could understand perfectly. It was sort of sad, and funny, but I liked the end the best. I hope you will watch it if you still haven't, but if you have already watched it, tell me if you liked it or not, and rate it!




Yesterday I had my first triball meeting with my team. Triball is basketball, bowling, and soccer all put together in one game. It's very exciting. At the meeting we played Just Dance 3. I don't know why we were but it was fun! Then we start to design our t-shirts. Our team name is called The Candy Bunch. It's weird but I like it. We all are a different candy. I am Skittles, and my number is 6. We had to choose a number between 1-7. I would have choose 12, my favorite number. After we finished the shirts, we played football.I don't really know which team won, but I don't really care. Our first game is on Tuesday. Wish us luck!

Sunshine! #6

The Candy Bunch!

November 10, 2012


About four or five days ago I had snow! It was small at first but then it got pretty bad. The bad thing was that it melted pretty fast. We only had an afternoon to play, but I didn't want to because I still had a lot of homework. The next day it was raining so it wiped out most of the snow. I was upset, but I am sure we will have more snow coming in the next month.

Sunshine :P


November 4, 2012


On October 31st people from America dress up as different people!! This Halloween was AWESOME! It was a little cool but its okay. First My dad dropped me off at my friend Sarahs house. My friend Lara was there too. They had to get dressed, I already put on my costume at home. My friends Sarah was Ginny Weasly, and Lara was a masquerade girl. They put some make up on but I didn't. I don't think pirates wore make up. Then it was dinner. I had two pieces of pizza. Then we went back up and talked a little, then finally we were ready to go TRICK OR TREATING!!! We first went to Sarah's neighborhood. It was a small neighborhood so after we would go to a bigger neighborhood. We went to all the houses. On house gave king sized candy bars. YUM! Also there was this creepy guy who had a sort of scary mask on but I was still a little scared. Then We stopped at Sarah's house to eat a small snack, and get warm. Then we went to the next neighborhood. It was very long so we didn't go end to end. We also heard a rumor about a house being rigged with water. Before each house we would inspect for any ropes, or anything that would of give it away. Fortunately none of the houses we went to were rigged. There also was a weird woman who was like would you like to see a cute dog? Then she opened the door and sowed us her dog. It was weird!! Then we rushed back to Sarah's house. When we got there my mom, dad and sister were already there. I was very sad because I didn't get to trade any candy with my friends. We all ate a Kit Kat to celebrate our first Halloween together and hoped we could do it next year. I got about 70 pieces of candy that day. Halloween was so fun. How was yours?? How much candy did you get??? Also I hope you had an awesome HALLOWEEN!!!


Or should i say
I still like Sunshine better!

October 26, 2012

New Stuff!

Hi guys!
I just added some cool new things at the bottom of the blog. So you should check it out!
There is Feed the hungry fish and for people who would like to read the blog in a different language there is Google translate!!!!! YAY! Also I have mentioned before I have added a place for book lovers to talk about BOOKS!!!! So check them out and tell me if they are cool or not in the comments below.


PS There is nothing cool that has happened over the month so yeah. The blog is pretty boring.
but don't worry Halloween is almost here and theres always something cool that happens.


October 22, 2012

Book talk!

Hi guys! If you like reading you should check book talk out! Its a place where you can talk about the books you love and the ones you don't like. Also be nice! :P




Hi everyone!
Have you found your costume yet for Halloween? I have, I am being a pirate. I need a few more things for my costume but I can find them easily in stores. I want to know want you guys are going to be. Please in the comments tell me!!! I would love to know.



I just finished Troubletwisters.
You should read it.
I very good book!

Sunshine :D

October 5, 2012


Hi guys, sorry for not posting anything. Middle School homework is getting in the way but anyways I wanted to tell you about a website called Woozworld. Its so fun. Hope you guys check it out! Also if you want to be my friend my name is sunshinesparke. Be My Friend please!



: D

September 18, 2012

Museum Of Science

On Sunday I went to the Museam Of Science. First we had to get passes to get in. Then we saw a tall ball drop type thing. Then we did saw chicks. One egg was about to hatch but when we were there it still was in its shell. We also saw a lighting show. I was really loud. There were tall things that made the lighting. There also was a science park. We tried to see which swing went faster or how fast we ran. It was very fun. We also made a virtual fish. We fed it food and watched to see if some other fish would eat it or if it would live. Our fish lived. I was very happy. We also saw a fake T-rex. It was very big. They also had a shadow thing. The thing would leave our shadow on a green screen. It was very cool. There also were lots of cool shells. They even cut some in the middle to show us what the inside looked like. Then my dad found a microscope. We put our hands under, a starfish and a shell. Our hand look gross. The starfish and shell looked very cool. We also saw skelotons from millions of years ago. The bones were cracked and some bones were missing.  We also saw a lot of other things too. Our ride back from the museum was cery beautiful because we were driving right next to a river. I had a lot of fun. You should go and check it out some day.

Sunshine :)
:) Sunshine

September 14, 2012


Hi, sorry for not writing for a long time. I didn't have internet so I couldn't write. Last week I went to a friends birthday at a roller skating place. We roller skated, ate cake, and sang karaoke!!! We sang You Belong With Me, by Taylor Swift. We didn't win. The person who won sang the song Boyfriend. We didn't even hear her sing. We were so sad we didn't win. Three people in the party including me did the race. I didn't win. We had a lot of fun together. I also met a lot of different people too. I see them around school a lot.

Hopefully there will be more exciting events soon.

Sunshine :)
:) Sunshine 

August 28, 2012

First day of school!

Today was the first day of school! I am in team two on the second floor. That morning I woke up at 6:10. Then I got ready for school and my mom took me to my school. First we had to go to the auditorium. I was the second person there. Then lots of people started to come in. They introduced all the teachers to us and then they let us go to our homeroom. First we put our backpacks in our classroom then had a tour of the school. After I went to French. It was so confusing!!  I  didn't have a note book so I couldn't write notes about the words we learned. The only word I can remember was hello. Then I had Wellness.  Next we got our locker and locker combination. My locker is right next to my homeroom. I forgot to bring a shelf for my locker too. After that we got to go outside. Next we ate lunch. After that we went to see where our other classes were. My friend Erin and I almost have all the same classes. The we went to our locker and packed all the things we needed and went home. School was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Has school started yet where you live?????????

Sunshine :)

August 13, 2012

School is Here or Near

School has started in many places but some not yet. We all start at different times but we all get very smart! I LOVEEE school!!!! My school has not started yet. It starts on the 28th. My friends in VA start school two weeks earlier exactly. Yours might have started or not at all.  Learning is very important. If I have not learned to write I might as well not be writing my blog!!! School is where I met most of my friends. I always look forward to school but some of you might dread it. If you think of it like this. Can You read this??? If you can then that means learning has helped you read this!!!! School theaches you all the things you need to know when you are an adult. If you don't do well in school then whats going to happen when you are older??? Any ways I love going to school and making new friends. School is not just learning its also having fun!!!!  One question for you guys.

Do YOU love, like, don't know, or hate school? If you want tell me WHY!!!!


August 10, 2012

Track Meet 3

Sorry guys for not writing for a looongg time.  Two days ago I went to track. We started a little late but it was okay. I got second twice, second in the long jump and  second in the softball throw. I think I did pretty good. This meet I couldn't do the relay because it was getting dark so we had to go home.  I am okay with that but I love running in the relays. Usually my team gets in first.

Read about my first track meet this Summer!!
All you need to do is click the link above!!


July 29, 2012

New Hampshire

On Friday I went to New Hampshire. That night we went to a party. It was so fun. There was food, music and a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!  Yum! We mostly danced. We left at 11:00. On Saturday we went hiking up the beautiful mountains. What a view! There also were caves. We also saw a lake. Then we went to our hotel and changed in to our bathing suits. We went to a water park but sadly we only got to play for an hour. Why? Well It started to rain! So we went back to the hotel. We changed and went to a party again. This time we had dinner there. It was so yummy! Then my dad, mom and I played Clue. We never got to finish but my dad was the closest. When we went to the hotel we watched a movie called Matilda. After the movie we went to bed. The next day we went downstairs to eat Breakfast. After Breakfast we packed our bags and left. New Hampshire was AWESOME!

July 26, 2012

Track Meet 2

Yesterday I went the track meet. Last week we couldn't go because it was raining.  This week I got in second place and first for the relay race. I did not get anything for the softball throw and long jump. I did really bad this week. Hope next week is better.

July 24, 2012

Take Two!

I few days ago I started reading a book called Take Two. Its a series. The book is about these twin sisters. In the first book they get busted for switching places.  So they have to do a school service. Emma has to tutor some twins and Payton has to clean the stage basement but sometimes they had to switch places to help each other out. Will they get in trouble?? Read all the books to find out!

July 17, 2012


I forgot to mention that the song is called werewolf by Cocorosie. I think the dance type is lyrical or something else.

Werewolf Dance

This is I video I found on Youtube. The song is weird but the dance is amazing. They are so good at dancing. I wish I could dance like that. Hope you Like it

Birthday Party

Today I went to my first birthday in MA! Its was my friend Isabela's birthday. It was at a pool.  I got her two pairs of earrings. I hope she liked them. I saw Emily another friend I met in MA. We played Hot Potato, Color, Marco Polo, and other games. We also did some competitions. I won most of them. For lunch we had hot dogs, chips, and juice. It was good. Then we talked about lots of stuff like school, school lunches, and teachers we had. Then we jumped back into the pool. Emily and I did a cannibal into the pool. We shouted peace! Then this girl started this mermaid game. It was sort of boring. Emily and I only played it because we wanted to get the ball. Then we had chocolate cake and ice cream. The Emily, Yasmin, Sara, my little sis, and I tried to make a Whirlpool in the pool but it didn't work because A bunch of other people would mess it up. Then Emily found a twenty dollar bill in the pool but she figured out it was Yasmin's. Your wondering, How did that get in there?? Well, she said that she brought it because she was going to the store after the party to buy Isabela's present. Now your wondering, She should of bought it before the party. The reason is that Isabela gave the invitations the day before the party so we didn't have a lot of time. I somehow managed to get her a gift before the party. Emily was so sad and angry that she didn't get to keep the money. It was a very lucky find. It was TWENTY BUCKS!!!!  Then Emily and I played some more. Then my mom said we had to go home. I didn't want to but I had to. I quickly said thanks to Isabela for inviting me. Then we got our towels, got our shoes on and left. It was so AWESOME! Oh yeah I forgot one last thing. The GOODY BAG! Inside included a water gun and a lollipop. YUM!

Sunshine :)

I love PARTIES!!!! :)

July 12, 2012

Track Meet

Every Wednesday in the Summer there are track meets. Yesterday and two weeks before that I went to them. There are lots of different events. First there is 50m, 100m, 1 mile, 200m, 800m, 400m, and last are the relays. During that time there is the softball throw and the long jump. The track meets are for all ages. They group all runners in a different heat with your age group and gender so its more fair for the younger kids. Yesterday I ran the 50m and got in first, 100m I got second, 200m second, and for the relays my team got first. I was running it home. We were so surprised we got in first place. We had a 6 year old, and 7 year old. We were so happy. Then my friend and I went to see if we got a ribbon for the softball throw and long jump. I got second for both. They also do it by age. I got six ribbons that day. Every week I will keep telling you what I got. I love running track.

Sunshine :)              

July 2, 2012


OMG I got my SOLs or final exams a few days ago! I did very well. I had five sols. I passed all of them. YAY!

June 26, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Today is my good friends birthday!!! so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!


Today on 2v2 we only won 3 games in total. We did better yesterday. On the games of basketball team thing we played a different team. We won!! The score was 16-14. It was very close!!

June 25, 2012

Basketball Camp and other stuff

Today I went to a Basketball camp. It was six hours long! I made two friends there. We first got separated into teams. Then we told our names and started Knockout. I didn't win. I am not the best at Basketball. Then we did some shooting, and other things. Then we had a snack. After that We did staions. That was really fun. After that we ate our lunch. After lunch we just had free time. Next we did free throw. I am not the strongest at shooting and so it was sort of hard for me to get a point. I only got one but it was sort of far back. Next we did 2v2. I was paired up with this guy named Ben. He is going to be my partaner for the rest of the week. We did two rounds. The first we got 0 baskets. The second round we got 7 baskets. Then we had a water break and started to play a real game of basketball. Our team was against the red team. Our team won!!! It was 20-8. We get to play a diferent team tomorrow. I hope we win again!!!

After camp everyday I will tell you the scores for 2v2 and the basketball games!

I also forgot to tell you on the 23 was my best friends birthday and my half birthday which isn't very exciting. So Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


June 9, 2012

New York

On Saturday we went to New York. First we went on a ferry or something like that. There was a guide to tell us what everything was. I saw so many things on the boat. I saw the empire state building, the statute of liberty, and the world trade center. The world trade center I still being built. We also saw the tallest building in New Jersey. It's only forty four stories high. It's not very high compared to the buildings in New York. I think we also went under brooklyn bridge. We also took lots of pictures on the boat. My head started to hurt during the last few minutes on the boat. Then we won't for a place to eat lunch. I was okay but not the best. Then my mom got a hair cut. It looked very nice. Then we went to buy some food. We got bread and lots of fruit. I had a lot of fun in new York. I hope we go there again. Have you ever been to new York before??

There's a what in the middle of the road??

On Friday my family drove to new jersey. It was a four hour drive. I was so bored. So we were just drive then all of I sudden a saw a small thing on the road. As we got closer I could see what it was. A turtle!! I was thinking what as that turtle doing in the middle of the road. We were so surprised. We started to talk about the turtle so I wasn't as bored.

June 8, 2012

New Blog!!!

Hey!! My cosin started a blog. His blog is about how to play really cool games. I hope you guys can check out his blog!!!

Barnes and Noble

Summer is a great time to hit the books but you need to get some books. You could go to the library or a bookstore nearby. Well, I finally got to go to the Barnes and Noble in MA. It was really big and awesome. The center of the store had Nooks on display. It was really cool. I had a twenty five dollar gift card to use. I got four books. I found lots of books that interested me but i only had twenty five dollars. I got 13 Curses. The second book of 13 Treasures which I am reading right now. I am almost done!!!! I got Fairy Wings. I think its a series. I also got the second book of The Name of This Book is Secret. The last book I got was The Summer of Moonlight Secrets. They all seem like really good books so you should try them. Also there is a summer reading thing at the store. I have to read eight books, then I get a free book on the list. I want Smile or this other book but I forgot what it was called. I hope you have fun reading but remember to go outside with friends and have fun all day long before.... School!!!!!!!!!!


June 6, 2012

Americas Got Talent

Have you watched Americas Got Talent before? I have and I love watching it. Last night and the night before they had Americas got talent on. My favorite act was the guy that was the human cannonball, the Aurora light painters, the mind reader, and the sand artist. Here are the videos of each act. Just click on the links. Here are the Aurora Light painters 
here is the human cannonball
Here is the sand painter
Here is the Mind Reader
There are lots of other mind readers too on youtube.

I hope you enjoyed these acts like i did.  If you are wondering what channel Americas Got talent is on its on NBC. I hope you can find it. Good Luck!

June 4, 2012


Hi guys i just moved last Friday. I was so sad. I already miss my friends. Here in MA is so awesome. The mall is very big. They have a awesome restaurant there. My mom said we could eat there another day when she wasn't so tired. I still had fun just looking around the mall. I also made some new friends yesterday. They are very nice. We were planning to play again today but it was raining. BOO HOO!!!! It rains so much here. I wish it was more sunny every day. I still dont know which school I will go to. I hope to figure out very soon. I am pretty settled in right know but I really hope to make more friends soon but i will never ever forget my old friends, Brooke, Emily, Emily, Yaren, Ahin, Jeiun, Brynn, Molly, and so many more.

May 26, 2012

Last day of school

Yesterday was the last of school. My grade got to walk or hike to the duck pond near our school. We had pizza for lunch. We were just there to hang out together one last time. It was so fun. After school my best friend Brynn came to my house to play. We played life, watch videos, and talked. I drew a picture for her. I still get to see her again on Sunday. I hope to invite as many people as I can before I leave to go to MA.

May 24, 2012


Two days ago I had my graduation. I got lots of awards. One of the awards had a twenty dollar gift card. The graduation was about two hous long. First we all sang a song called 100 years together. Then the people gave out the awards. That took the longest butitwasnt that boring. Then they gave our certificates. The certificates had a picture of me and this other piece of paper. It looked very nice. This took sometime to had them out but not that long. After I took a lot of pictures, and ate cake with friends and family. Graduatation was awesome!!!!

May 16, 2012


Yay i finished all my sols. YAY!!!!!!!! Well seven more days of school and then moving. Well i am not looking forward to moving but i have to. BOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!


May 15, 2012

Hunger games game!

Hey I just figured out that there is a board game for the hunger games. The game is for 14 and up but who cares. It's sort of confusing but really fun. For the hunger games fans you might want to get this. It's so awesome. Hope you guys can try it very soon.

Math SOL

Tomorrow I have my math sol. I think am ready. I am pretty good at math. I hope I get a perfect score. I hope and hope and hope with all my heart. I have no idea why I just said that. Okay, nothing else to say so bye.

May 14, 2012


OMG! I have one thousand views on my blog! I am so happy! Yay! That means people like my blog and keep coming back! I hope my blog stays awesome. When will I get two thousand views?

Reading SOL

Three down one more to go. I just had my reading SOL today. It was so easy but there was that one question... I have the math sol on wednesday. I think I'm ready and I hope I am too. Well... Ummm... I am going to stop. I am running out of ideas so bye!

May 13, 2012

Mothers day!

Hey guys FYI it's mothers day! Did you give your mom a special something? If you didn't you'll be sorry! So you better get one soon or I will get you. Happy mothers day!


I am just sick! Well not really, but still. I feel sick! My mom said that I should get lots of sleep but the problem is that I can't sleep. My nose is all stuffed up. UG!!!!

May 9, 2012

History SOL!

Okay, one down three more to go. I can do this! For my science sol I hope I got a perfect score. I will tell you when I get my scores back. I may not. Well know I have the history sol tomorrow and I feel good. I pretty good at history even though I hate it. I hope I will get a perfect score too. Wish me luck again!

May 8, 2012

Science SOL!

OMG OMG! I have the science SOLs today. The sols are the final exams for my state. I think i'm ready.
I hope I pass.

Wish me luck!

Sunshine :(

April 28, 2012

The hunger games.

Have you watched the hunger games yet? Well I haven't. I want to so badly! I feel sad, and mad. My mom can't take me because of my little sister. I heard it was an awesome movie. I loved reading the books and even though I can't remember it very well I still love it. I love the hunger games. I want to watch the movie like crazy! Sunshine. Random!

talent show/ birthday

Yesterday I went to my friends house because she had a birthday party. The party's theme was a talent show thing. I did three skits with my friend. I had fun. We also got to decorate our own cupcakes, jumped on the trampoline, played fouls ball( I think that's what it's called.), and just dance. I had a great time having fun with my friends. Unfortunatly one other friend that was invited couldn't come because she was sick. We sleep very late but I am not that tired yet.

April 23, 2012

Snow, In April!

OMG! Today it was snowing. It wasn't very big but still. Snow in April. Weird! Its a bit late. We should have gotten more snow during Winter. I am a sort of happy but I am not that happy.  Has it ever snowed in April where you live?


April 22, 2012


Yesterday I went to the mall. When we got there I saw my best friend Emma. We talked for a few minutes. Then we Went to gap. We saw nothing we liked and went to Dicks. We saw nothing there to so we went to this place where they sell shoes. I forgot what it's called. We got some shoes for my sister because hers are small for her. Then we went to some other shops but found nothing. Then we went to Claire's. I got some new earrings. Some were studs and some are dangly. I can't wear the dangly earrings because my ears are still healing. Then we went to this store. I forgot what this shops called. We got some boots that are very warm for the winter. Your like it's almost summer! We got them a finger big so we could still wear them this winter which will be in forever. The we're on sale so who cares. After we bought the shoes we left. I had lots of fun at the mall.

April 12, 2012


Today is dear day. If your wondering what dear day is it is when you drop everything and read, D.E.A.R. I hope you drop everything and read today grap a good book and relax. I love this day. Reading is awesome.

Ear pierced

Hi if you don't know yet I got my ears pierced like five weeks ago. The people told me to keep it in for six weeks. I still have a little more then a week. I can't wait to get them out. I wanted to get my ears pierced when I was in first grade. I was so scared. Finally in fith grade I fianlly got my ears pierced with my best friend Molly. She wanted to get her ears pierced too for a long time but she had to wait until fifth grade. So we went to the mall and got our ears pierced. I went first because I was older than her. We choose the same pair of earrings. It hurt a little. My ears felt warm for a few minutes. Then it went away. If you haven't gotten your ears pierced and you want to don't worry, it doesn't hurt very much. Your ears just feels warm for a few minutes. My friend even said so. If you are still scared, go with a friend. It feels much better with a friend. Then you can get the same pair of earrings. I can't wait to get my earrings out.

March 20, 2012


Hi guys! I added a new page called trivia. Check it out when you have time and I hope you like it! Sunshine:)

March 19, 2012


Hi guys! Every week I will tell you about my weekend and ask you a question. You answer the question in the comments. My weekend started on a Friday. After going to Lexington I went to my friends house for a sleepover party. When I got there everyone was already here. We got a lei or at least I think that's what it's called and had dinner. After dinner we went to the basement and rode scooters. Then the little kids came and asked us to take us to the little pond. We didn't want to but we toke them anyway. Right when we got to the pond we ran back to the house. Then we quickly hid and closed the lights. When they got here we screamed boo! The weren't scared because they saw us close to lights. The we got back on the scooters. The little kids wanted to get on he scooters too so we had to take turns. Then we tried playing a game but it didn't work. Then it was present time. I couldn't get my friend a present before the party. Then we had cake. After cake we played a game called Headbaz. It is so fun. Then we played a trick on the little kids. We asked them if they wanted to go to the pond. They said sure. Secretly, we had silly string behind our backs. When we got to the pond we sprayed them. Then we quickly ran away. We played some more games of Headbaz until it was time to tie dye some shirts. We planned to wear our shirts on Monday. After tie die we got ready for bed. We played Headbaz one last time and closed the lights. That didn't stop us from sleeping. We played some IPod. Then went to sleep.

I woke up first. Then every one else woke up expert the birthday girl. We got bored waiting so we played Headbaz. Then her fater came and woke here up. We played some more Headbaz. After that we ate breakfast. After we played some Wii and got dressed. After that we went outside and did random things. Then the parents started to come. I got to stay longer and do my project with my friend.then my mom came. After she took me to a music store to buy my friend her gift. I got her a gutair book. Then we went to Walmart. After I had a nap. Then I played on the computer and had dinner. I played some more games and went to bed. On Sunday we went to the mall and got winter jackets for this winter. They had to be a little big so we could grow into it. Then we went home and played out side. We had dinner and went to bed. Did you have a good weekend like mine?

Sunshine :)


On Friday fith grade went to Lexington. We saw many things. We went to lots of museums. I didn't get a lot of pictures because we weren't aloud to take pictures inside. We saw lots of statues outside. We went to many churches. We got to go to gift shops and buy things. I got a bracelet and a fan. When we were walking it started to rain. Fortunately we got to go into a museum. When we finished looking at the museum it stopped raining. We had lunch at a pizza place. When we finished eating it got really hot. The weather was funky! I loved going to Lexington and taking pictures. I hope you can visit Lexington one day and have as much fun as me. Sunshine :)

March 16, 2012


Yesterday I watched a play called Charlie and the chocolate factory. I was a good play. I could hear the people talking so I didn't know what was happening. Some scenes were done well but some were confusing, I couldn't hear them, and it wasn't very good. I think they worked hard on the play. I liked it. I also have I have been in a few plays/skits. I enjoy being in them a lot. You should try making a skit for the talent show or just for your parents. Have fun making skits! Sunshine :)

March 11, 2012

Sleepover and things after.

Yesterday I had a sleepover with my best friend Molly. Before she came to my house we went to watch a play called Honk! My other best friends Markely and Brynn were in the play. It was so long that we couldnt get our ears pierced. We were so sad. Then we went to my house. First we just watched YouTube videos. Mostly funny ones. I will try to post some of my favorite videos. Then we played Mario cart. I was in first place. We then ate dinner. The food was awesome. We had cake for dessert and played Mario cart again. After that I did Molly's hair. Then we started talking and talking. We also did some games in our sleeping bags. It was around eleven when we went to bed. When I woke up there was barly enough light to read but I tried. Then Molly woke up. We talked a little then went down stairs for breakfast. It was awesome. Then we played Mario cart. You can tell we love Mario cart. After that we went upstairs to get ready. First we wore our clothes and watched some more YouTube videos. We forgot to pack the sleeping bags so when Molly's father came he had to wait. My mom and Molly's dad talked about Molly and me not getting our ears pierced. Then they set a time when we could go to the mall to get our ears pierced. Then Molly left. When it was 2:20 my mom, sister and I left for the mall. We had to wait for Molly to come. When she did we both wanted to get the same earrings. They are so pretty. I went first. I thought it would hurt a lot but it hurt a little. It felt like a small pinch. Then it was Molly's turn. We didn't cry at all. Then we took a picture together. This weekend was so fun and exciting. I hope next week will be as awesome as this week. Sunshine :)

March 5, 2012


OMG people! Tomorrow is the SOLs. I have the writing SOL. I am so excited. I hope I do well wish me luck. I also finally got my book order so I am happy I got my books. Sunshine

March 2, 2012

Website is working.

Hello! Yay the tab for websites is working! Hope you all stop by website and comment! Sunshine :)

February 26, 2012


Hi everyone. My new tab websites is messed up. I hope I can fix this soon so sorry but you can still post comments! Sorry Sunshine

February 24, 2012


Tomorrow my friend is leaving to go back to Korea. I am so sad. She went to Tae Kwon do with me. Before she left school she gameme a beautiful bookmark. This bookmark will help me remember her. One last thing. It's sad for me and my friends. I wish I told you all a month ago but I will be moving. I am going to MA. I will be leaving at the end of the school year. I will hardly be able to post a thing around the end of the year. I just wanted to give a heads up. Sunshine :)

To Kill A Mockingbird

I resently finished a book called To Kill A Mockingbird. It is a very old book. It's more of an adult book but my teacher said that my reading group could handle it. The book is about a young girl named Scout and her brother Jem. Together they have many things happening in Maycomb. A trial, a boy named Dill, a fire, ham, and well someone dead. If you want to read it remember to get permission if you are pretty young like me. I did. Hope you all like it and get to read it. wonderful book. One last thing. Maybe for the next few polls I will put a question for To Kill A Mockingbird. I will tell all the answers later. Sunshine :)

February 22, 2012

Snow again

It snowed this Sunday!  I play in the snow with my sis. We went sledding, and built a snowman.
It was so fun.  I hope it snows some more this year.  Also I have a writing SOL in two weeks. I hope I do well. Please wish me luck. I will need a lot of it.


February 10, 2012

Sorry again

Hello all, I am so sorry I have not been posting or updating my blog.  I have lots of homework these past few weeks. I think were doing more essays because my writing SOLs are coming in 3 or 4 weeks so I have two essays to do followed by a project I am working on but its due next week so hopfuly I can get on the computer at least 3 or 2 times a week.

Sunshine12 :(

February 4, 2012

The Hunger Games

I know I just posted a trailer but I posted the wrong one. They both are good but I like this one better. You should still watch both though. Sorry.

The Hunger Games Theatrical Trailer #2

Hi every body today I hust watched The Hunger Games trailer. It was awesome. You should read the books before you watch the movie. Even though the movies not out yet. I can't wait. You should watch the trailer above to get a idea of what the books about.


February 3, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!

hi I know it was yesterday but I was busy. I was so sad the groundhog saw his shadow. I was hoping for an early spring. O well. Anyways, Happy Groundhog Day! Sunshine12

January 27, 2012


Hi everybody I haven't been updating my blog because I am very busy. I have lots of homework and tests so I need to study. I also have lots of after school activities. I just wanted to tell you about my friends web site called I hope you enjoy her website. I can't do birthdays of how many days I missed today but I will try tomorrow.

Very sorry
Sunshine12 :(

January 15, 2012


Sorry everybody the text for the poll is very unvisible.  You can see them if you look very closely.  I tried to make the text white but it will not let me.  So sorry.


January 11, 2012

The Music of Dolphins

I finished The Music of Dolphins this morning.  Mila becomes famous around the world when she is rescued from an unpopulated island.  When she was very young she was in a plane crash she has been raised by dolphins ever since.  Some people teach her the language and music.  She also meets many friends. Even though she is having so much fun she wishes to be with the dolphins.  This book is such a great book.  I hope you will read it and enjoy it.

January 10, 2012


Hi everybody!  I havent been up with the riddles of the day.  I am changing it to week.  I hope thats okay for you guys.  Also share all the jokes with your friends.  I hope you guys are likeing my blog.  Not much is happening here just a lot of reading.  I have been busy so I might forget to post birthdays, jokes, and books. But I am sorry for not keeping up but I will try my best. 

Best wishes Sunshine12

The CandyMakers

Last night I finished reading The CandyMakers.  Its such a great book.  Its about these four kids Logan, Daisy, Philip, and Miles are chosen to go to Life Is Sweet candy factory and create a new candy.  Some people are not what you think, some change a lot, and all wants to win.  But then someone realizes something, something really big. But they all work together to end it. Find out what so big in the book The CandyMakers. 

January 5, 2012


Matched is a book I have finished reading last night. It's about a girl named Cassia. When she finally turns 17 her matching ceremony finally comes. When Zander, her best friends, face appears on the screen she knows that he is her ideal mate ... then the screen went black and another face flashes on the screen and then went blank. Cassia is still thinking about the face she saw. The Society tells Cassia its a cruel joke but she so falls in love with him. Read the book to find out the Whole story. It is such a great book. After you finish you should read the next book Crossed.

January 3, 2012

Let It Snow

Last night it started to snow.  I am so happy.  It probably snowed half a inch.  We are still going to school today because it's not snowing any more.  We have a two hour delay.  We have gotten more before but a least we got some snow.  I hope it will snow more tonight or today.  I hope we get lots of snow so school is canceled and we can make snowmen, have snowball fights, go sledding, and make snow angels in the snow.  Is it snowing in your town?

January 1, 2012


Ahh! School is starting tomorrow.  I would be happy but I got so used to doing nothing, and playing with friends.  I am sort of happy that school is starting because I can see my other friends. But now I can't stay up all night and read.  That was fun reading late into the night.  I can wait until school but then I can.  Well it's starting tomorrow whether I like it or not.

Last Night.

Last night I got to stay up until midnight.  That night I did lots of things.  Like reading, reading, watching t.v, playing the computer, reading, just sitting down, eating, and some more reading.  So as you can see I had a boring night.  At least a got a lot of reading down. Did you stay up until midnight? Was it fun or was it boring like mine?  Well happy new year!

Happy New Year!

Happy new year to every body.  This year is the year of the dragon.  My family celebrates Chinese New Year.  Does you family do or celebrates anything?  This year I have already thought of lots of goals already.  I hope I can reach them all.  Do you have any goals?  Some examples are to get better a something, make more friends,  make a craft like the car I am making, and be nicer to a sibling.  There are lots more.  I think setting some goals for the year makes the year more exiting.  Like trying to read 50 or more books this year.( one of my goals, love reading!)  Well think about making a goal but I tried to tell you. Happy New Year!