October 27, 2013

Sleep Over!

Hi!! Yesterday I went to my friend, Sarah's house for a sleepover. First when I got there we ate some pizza for dinner. Then we made a Boo bag so we can ghost people. After that we went to a play that a few of our friends were in. We didn't get the best seats cause the people in front of us were super tall, but we could sort of see the stage. After the play we congratulated the actors and actresses. Then we went back to her house. After we changed into our jammies. Then we set up our sleeping bags and just talked about stuff. Then we finally went to bed. The next day we woke up and talked about more stuff. Then ate some breakfast. We had waffles, and some fruit. Then we changed and I packed all my stuff up. Then we did the cup song. After that I had to leave. 

I had so much fun even though we didn't do that much. 

Sunshine :)

PS This is my 100th post! Can I get a Whoop Whoop? Wait till I get to 200 posts!

October 19, 2013

Rainbow Loom Bracelets!

Rainbow loom bracelets are super popular where I live. Kids from elementary to middle school are wearing them, making them , and giving them to friends! They are super easy to make, and are really cute to wear. My little sister and I just bought a huge bucket of rubber bands yesterday for only 4 dollars, for 2000 bands and 80 c clips. If you just learned about these, that was an amazing offer! They usually cost about 20 dollars for 2000 rubber bands! You can make them by hand or buy a loom to make lots of different  styles! You can go on Youtube to find out about how to make these. My sister and I have made a lot so far. We have rainbow, blue and pink, and so much more! I don't wear them as much as my sister does. She literally is obsessed with them! Not even kidding, everyday after school she brings home a new bracelet on her wrist. She always makes one at school during recces. I really hope you guys try these out. You can probably buy them at craft stores, and maybe Walmart. I'm not sure where you would get them, but my sister and I got them at this store downtown. So good luck finding them, and I hope you guys have fun making them!

Sunshine ^.^

October 13, 2013

Whats been up!

Hey guys... I promised posts once a week Well, I sorta broke that promise, again. Whoops! Well, I'm not going to promise you anything, but I'll do my best. So whats been up the past months for me? Well, exciting, boring, well let me just tell you in this post. Well hope it doesn't get too long, so you better get a snack, cause it's going to be a long post.
      Okay, well August was uneventful, school started and well that's about it. If you haven't been keeping up, I moved to a different town... again, but wait there's more! I've lived here before. I was super excited to come back and meet all my friends again! I saw Maddie, Sarah, Elise, and so many other people! I also was just settling in the house, and just relaxing.
       Okay September was so awesome! First I went to this amazing birthday. So, and tell you where but we went to a well known city and did a scavenger hunt! It was super fun, but my team lost, but who cares? It was amazing, like I have said before. Then we went back to her house and did a blind makeovers to each other. I sort of told her the idea and she loved it so she decided to do it. I did the best, if I don't say so myself. Then we watched a movie, but I forgot what it was called. I watched it before but it was great to watch it again.
       After that wonderful birthday, at school they were holding auditions for the one acts. I auditioned thinking I would get a pretty small part, but I was wrong, I got a pretty good part as Snow White. I was super happy. This was my first play ever! I was so excited for the play. We had rehearsal after that and we just read though the script to get to know it more. The week after that we started making the set. It was super fun. We first went though about half the play, then started making the pumpkin for the other play, and other smaller props. Then we had soda and pizza. It was so yummy!
      I also had travel basketball tryouts. I have never tried out before, and I haven't even played basketball for a long time either. I have started learning dribbling, and shooting when I was younger, but never played in a real team until last year. So I was super happy when I learned I got in the travel team! There were two teams, the A team and B team. The A team is the better team, and the B team isn't. I got on the B team, but I'm still super excited to start!
      Well its only the thirteenth, so nothing much has happened. Really... nothing has happened but school, school, and well school.

So maybe it didn't get that long. Well September did, but October, not so much. Well, that's my life that you missed out. I know I missed a lot of things, but I don't really remember what happened in what month. Well, I hope I do write more soon. I know I will, I just hope I remember to. Well, I can promise anything, but keep your fingers crossed! Well hope you had a good two months and remember, just love your life no matter what happens!

Keep loving,
  Sunshine :)