June 4, 2012


Hi guys i just moved last Friday. I was so sad. I already miss my friends. Here in MA is so awesome. The mall is very big. They have a awesome restaurant there. My mom said we could eat there another day when she wasn't so tired. I still had fun just looking around the mall. I also made some new friends yesterday. They are very nice. We were planning to play again today but it was raining. BOO HOO!!!! It rains so much here. I wish it was more sunny every day. I still dont know which school I will go to. I hope to figure out very soon. I am pretty settled in right know but I really hope to make more friends soon but i will never ever forget my old friends, Brooke, Emily, Emily, Yaren, Ahin, Jeiun, Brynn, Molly, and so many more.


  1. Why did u move! I miss u so much!:( BY

  2. I wish I could have added more names on the post but then that would get to long well here are some more friends I miss, Emma, Claire, Jane,Karen, markley, and my whole class, the teachers that taught me every thine I need to know and and I think I covered it oh yeah and other BFFs of mine.
